Color Pops, Beautiful Transients 2

Color Pops, Beautiful Transients 2

Oil painting

24” x 24”

An oil painting with various shapes and colors such as blue


The sensation of color, the lushness of oil paints, the thrill of creating, and the surprise of abstraction are what drive me to paint–Add drama to the canvas, and I’m hooked! At the inception of my paintings, I select colors inspired by nature, random places, or other artists’ paintings, whatever catches my eye, stirs my curiosity, or challenges me. From there, I draw lines on the canvas, creating the structure of geometric spaces that will conspire and dialog with the vignettes of organic and fluid movements of paint. I place color next to color, with the goal of finding just the right combination so that each will make the other shine, or as in this series, “Pop!” My hope is that my paintings’ lushness, power and mood-altering color will affect the viewer on a visceral, not practical level. I want to excite the viewers’ imagination so that they pay attention to, remember, and ultimately discover something new through color! My latest series is called Color Pops, Beautiful Transients.

About the Artist

Su Knoll Horty,  Delaware County
Published:  June 12, 2020