A Covid-19 Spring Comes to Southeastern Pennsylvania

A Covid-19 Spring Comes to Southeastern Pennsylvania

This morning I put two jars and a DVD
in a plastic bag, drive over
to my friend’s house, leave it by her door.
This feels like a vacation, an escape
from the house, fifteen minutes
to hear songs on a homemade CD.

Then back home, the crabapple in bloom,
irises thickening purple stalks.
I talk to them now,
not keeping six feet away. Spring,
precious, ephemeral,
like the redbud,
done blooming just yesterday.

I try to keep spring from leaving,
call out to it. From the porch,
I watch it go.


Spring is usually my favorite time of year. It is still lovely, but the sadness caused by the virus and the physical distancing is hard to take.

About the Artist

Kenneth Pobo,  Delaware County
Published:  May 4, 2020