The Ultimate Router
Sheet Glass, Electrical Wires, Bamboo Skewers, Paint
In the beginning of quarantine, as we all grappled with paranoia and fear, people became incredibly cautious — verging on superstitious. There was little to ease anyone’s mind, and little to help the situation. Thinking about the small acts of comfort we allow ourselves, I created “votives” that one could use to manifest something which they lack. One of said lacks was a stable internet connection, as providers struggled to adapt to the massive increase in online activity, and the bandwidth that Zoom demands. Additionally, the move online brought to light the unequal accessibility to the internet, despite its necessity to modern life. My ultimate router, although in reality no more than a superstitious comfort, is intended as a sort of offering to a technological god, in hopes of receiving a better internet connection.
About the Artist
Aidan Lederman Gerard, Philadelphia County
Published: March 12, 2021