2 Tulips (6 Feet Apart) — a portrait of COVID-19 social distancing in the language of flowers (April 2020)

2 Tulips (6 Feet Apart) — a portrait of COVID-19 social distancing in the language of flowers (April 2020)

Digital Photograph

A photographic image of a tulip that is about to blossom. It is a red-colored tulip with light and green scenary in the background image of the photograph.


This photo is actually of two tulips found growing 6 feet apart in an untended garden, which struck me as illustrative of the “social distancing” we all are now forced to engage in as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was taken just a few steps outside the front door of my home in State College, Pennsylvania, following our first month of “sheltering-in-place” (as mandated by executive order of Governor Tom Wolf) due to the threat of COVID-19. “Social distancing” had already become a buzzword in news reports and social media by then — along with the mantra “keep 6 feet apart” as the prescribed way to mitigate the rapid spread of the coronavirus. To underscore the feeling of distance, a shallow depth of field was used to achieve the bokeh or blurring of the second flower, abstracted now and indistinct, a transiting dot of red suspended in the heliopause like a held breath that begs the fearful question — is it a companion flower or the virus itself?

About the Artist

J. Jeff Ungar,  Centre County
Published:  May 18, 2020