Please also visit these Pennsylvania and Penn State pandemic-related initiatives:
COVID-19 Experience Project
The Eberly Family Special Collections Library invites members of the Penn State University community—including students, staff, faculty, and alumni—to participate in this effort to document their personal experiences with the COVID-19 outbreak and its effects on our day-to-day lives.
Covid-19 Research Resources
In response to many requests by Penn State faculty for current research, technical standards, and collaborative projects relating to the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, the Harrell Health Sciences Library at Hershey and STEM librarians are collecting such information in one place.
Dear Vaccine
Originating from Kent State University, “Dear Vaccine” showcases voices from around the world by encouraging submissions to their global poem. Through the imaginative language of poetry, they hope to promote the uptake of vaccines amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. They urge all to “simply share their thoughts” to their public forum.
One Lens by First Lady of Pennsylvania, Frances Wolf
Highlighting local heroes, lives, and the community, First Lady of Pennsylvania, Frances Wolf, created One Lens: Sharing Our Common Views. This extraordinary art gallery of Pennsylvanian photography reveals healing, unification, and empathy within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a response to the pandemic.
The Front Steps Project
During the pandemic, photographer, Roger Baumgarten, started the Front Steps Project Central PA over 8-weeks to showcase “lockdown” families on their front porches. The project is compiled of 422 families in 16 municipalities across 4 counties. Additionally, the project raised $10,327 for the Salvation Army in Harrisburg. You can check out Roger’s work in our gallery as well under “visual art”.
Undergraduate Student Blog Writing
In March 2020, when classes transitioned online, Rhetoric and Composition students wrote a blog titled “QuarantEnglish 15 at Penn State.” The blog is a compilation of writings by students who continued ‘coming to class’ on Zoom and putting forth academic efforts even when COVID-19 altered the course. This initiative is part of an ongoing effort.